Physio Dandenong

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Telehealth Physio

Make an Appointment

Our team of physiotherapists is highly qualified and experienced in providing telehealth physiotherapy services. They are dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals through personalized treatment plans and ongoing support.

Opening Hours
Monday & Wednesday
09.00 - 15.00
10.00 - 14.00
In-Home Physio

About Our Service

We offer convenient and effective online physical therapy through our telehealth physio services.
With the help of our expert team, you can receive guidance and treatment from the comfort of your own home, allowing you to achieve your health and wellness goals.

Areas Of Benefit With Our Services

We are leaders in…


No need to travel to a clinic, saving you time and effort


Schedule sessions at a time that works best for you

Privacy and Comfort

Receive treatment in the privacy and comfort of your own home


Telehealth physiotherapy can be a more affordable option compared to in-person sessions


Our physiotherapists are highly skilled and experienced with NDIS services

Step-By-Step Guide To Our Telehealth Booking Process

Scheduling an appointment with Physio Dandenong service is quick and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how our service operates:

1. Initial Enquiry

Contact us to schedule an appointment.

2. Preparation

Prepare for your session by ensuring you have the necessary equipment.

3. Personalised Treatment Plan

During the session, our physiotherapist will assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Physio Dandenong Exercises
Melbourne Mobile Physio

4. Treatment Sessions

You will receive guidance on exercises, rehabilitation, and self-management strategies.

5. Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing support and monitoring to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Benefits of Telehealth Physiotherapy

Telehealth physiotherapy provides convenient, accessible, less expensive, and comfortable physical therapy sessions for patients. With telehealth, patients can receive physiotherapy sessions from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for travel or face-to-face contact, making it a safer option during pandemics.

Patients can promptly receive consistent treatment without scheduling conflicts or long wait times. Additionally, telehealth physiotherapy is often less expensive and more competitive, providing a cost-effective solution for patients.

Telehealth physiotherapy can create greater patient satisfaction and better clinical outcomes since patients experience increased comfort and reduced anxiety or stress related to travelling or being in a new environment.

Why Choose Us

Physio Dandenong offers personalized, top-quality care, creating a tailored treatment plan to relieve pain, restore function and improve quality of life with a holistic approach to physiotherapy.

Customized Programs

Our customised telehealth physiotherapy programs offer convenient and effective physical therapy from home. Experienced physiotherapists create personalised treatment plans and track progress through secure video conferencing.

This option is perfect for those with busy schedules, limited mobility, or who prefer privacy. Receive the same level of care without traveling or risking exposure to illness.

Achieve your physical therapy goals and improve overall health with our expert guidance.

Greater Empowerment

We’re passionate about helping you recover and believe active involvement is crucial. Our skilled physio team guides you through sessions, teaching self-management, exercises & strategies.

We’re committed to improving your quality of life, monitoring progress & adjusting treatment plans for optimal results.

Take control of your recovery journey today, book an appointment with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Telehealth physiotherapy works by connecting patients with physiotherapists through secure video conferencing platforms. The physiotherapist assesses the patient’s condition, provides guidance and treatment, and monitors progress remotely.

Yes, telehealth physiotherapy has been proven to be as effective as in-person sessions for many conditions. Our experienced physiotherapists ensure that you receive the same level of care and expertise through online sessions.

For a telehealth physiotherapy session, you will need a device with a camera and microphone, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer. You will also need a stable internet connection to ensure smooth video conferencing.

Telehealth physiotherapy can effectively treat a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, chronic pain, sports injuries, and more. Our physiotherapists will assess your specific condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Physio Dandenong Main
Get started today by contacting us!

Booking an appointment can sometimes be difficult. We have created an online booking system that is easy to use for after-hours appointments.

You can also call our Dandenong team to make an appointment.